First off, I woke up New Year's Eve day to feed the baby around 7 and a few minutes later got a text from my brother in law with pictures of my new niece who made her surprise entrance in the middle of the night 4 weeks early! I can't believe my sisters and I who are my bestest friends all had daughters the same year! July, September and now December. It really is a miracle. Another cool thing is the 31st is my parents wedding anniversary.
Emma Eve-perfect in every way. Praise God!
This NYE was pretty laid back like the previous years since getting married. We went to a party at our friends house, ate delicious food and played a few games and were home by 11 to put the girls to sleep. My husband kissed me at midnight and than we sat at the table with some candles and Christmas lights and talked about our new years resolutions and how we think the past year went.
I'm a big believer in New Year's resolution just because there is something motivating about saying good bye to the past and celebrating the future. I think every one has that one year that stands out in their minds and setting resolutions can make the new year be that significant year. A chance to set and reach goals, try something new, live in the present, become the person you've always wanted to be.
I love having resolutions written down to look back on so here are mine:
1. I have several fitness goals:
- cut out sugar during the whole month of January (we're 5 days in and I've already slipped a few times...) I'm convinced I'm going to drop 10 lbs just from eliminating sweets because I've been bingeing on them like crazy this past year. Candy & ice cream were my top cravings when I was pregnant with Lucy.
- drink a gallon of water a day
- eat vegetables with every meal
2. Professionally whiten my teeth and maintain their overall health. first stop: dentist for a checkup.
3. Get organized and declutter, declutter, declutter! If I haven't used it in the past year it has got to go! I'm a bit sentimental and it can be hard to get rid of things but I'm getting better.
4. Start a family savings plan for the future.
5. Put down technology and be more present for my girls and hubby. Seeing how big Juliana is makes me want to absorb every little thing Lucy does because now I know first hand how fast it goes! I'm one of those people that carry their phone with them everywhere & I take a lot of pictures of the girls on it daily so this will be hard.
6. Read the whole Bible in one year. This has been my goal every year for the past 5 years & the only goal I will beat myself up about not reaching at the end of the year.