Tuesday, May 2, 2017

May Days

May is probably one of my favorite months and this year is extra exciting for several reasons.
First up we have my hubby's birthday. I love celebrating the day that tall, handsome man entered this world even if he isn't as thrilled about it as I am ;) All he ever requests for his birthday is good food and to be outdoors playing volleyball. Easy enough. 
Next I think Mother's Day is sometime after that? Not sure what day it is but I can't believe I'm a mom of three this time around!
Speaking of my third child, this is Matthews last month as a "baby" because June is his birthday! How crazy fast did that year fly by?! I know every mom says that but only because it's true. Time speeds up when you have kids. Feels like just yesterday my friends and family threw me a surprise baby sprinkle and now I'm already thinking of his birthday party. 
On the 19th my hubby and I celebrate 5 years of marriage. Again with the time flying! We were planning to go on a vacation for our anniversary but my husband's sis who lives in Florida decided our plans for us when she moved her wedding date up to the day after our wedding so we will celebrate there. We're flying for the first time as a family and I'm half nervous, half excited. I know our kids will do awesome because they love adventures and flying is probably the ultimate but I'm nervous for all we have to bring as well as the things we can't take. I'm just imagining lugging around the carseats, double stroller and our luggage while we run through the airport with 3 kids... Usually we drive and there is plenty of room for me to overpack (imagine a whole box of diapers and tons of extra clothes just in case) but this time I have to be as minimal as possible and it concerns me. Thankfully our flights are only 3+ hours and nonstop so I don't have to worry about running out of diapers or wipes in that short amount of time. 
Anyway that's a little preview of all we have going on this month not to mention enjoying the beautiful weather and blossoming flowers and trees that May has to offer. Praise God for the refreshing joy that a change of seasons brings. 


Monday, March 13, 2017

Matthew-9 Months!

My last kiddo update 3 months ago ended with me talking about how Matthew was just a unicorn of a baby who chilled, slept and ate like a champ. Well...that was probably the last time those things happened. He started teething hardcore these last 3 months with 5 (!) teeth coming in one after another in addition to the 2 he already had. He was also pretty stuffy with a never ending cold all of February and overall not very content to just hang out anymore. He pretty much only wanted to be held and even that got annoying for him ha! In all honesty it was a tough beginning to the new year and made the end of winter slightly more miserable as we didn't get out very much thanks to low temps and sick babies.
BUT! Just this past week has a been a total turn around thanks to many changes in Matthew! I'll go in order 1. His cold finally went away! That's all that needs to be said as we all know how miserable sick babies are. 2. All the teeth that were coming in finally broke through and are showing quite a bit. He now has 4 on top and 3 on the bottom. His mouth is so not symmetrical and makes him look a little goofy, I love it :) 3. I started giving him puffy baby cereal and it's been a lifesaver for me. Whenever he's hangry and I can't feed him I just throw him some munchies on his highchair and that keeps him occupied and happy. Also awesome for when we're out and about. I kind of waited a while to introduce snacks because he wasn't good at grasping small things until recently. 4. The last and probably best change is that Matthew finally learned how to crawl! Before I think he would get so frustrated sitting on the floor and not be able to get to whatever looked interesting to him. Hence the constant need to be held? But now the world is his oyster! He can (slowly) follow his sisters around, he can crawl up to something and pull himself up (though he hasn't completely mastered it yet) and he can find tiny bits on the floor and stick them in his mouth much to my frustration lol. Crawling brought back my happy, smiley baby. I keep his room really clean with only baby safe toys so that way I can plop him down and leave him be for a few minutes and know he won't find or get himself into any trouble. I'm just so excited for the rest of his baby-hood to watch him grow and develop more and more.
Oh and remember when I said he would cry when I left the room when he turned 6 months? That is nothing compared to how much he cries for his dad now! There will be a total meltdown if I take Matthew out of his papa bear's arms! Clearly he has a favorite. ;)

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Matthew's Big Boy Room

matthews big boy room

Matthew will be one in June but I've been thinking about his big boy room for months now! The theme I'm leaning towards is "woodsy." It's pretty inspired by his dad who loves adventures, exploring and just all things nature. While I'm dreaming of bedroom remodels, Eugene is dreaming of taking Matthew fishing and camping ;)

We're repainting 99% of the house in Spring so when we do that Matthew's room will be painted a light gray. He already has light blue curtains, the moose, basket and a similar adventure sign so we're half way there. I also got him a wooden M monogram from Hobby Lobby as well as a burlap bulletin board. I love Target's Pillowfort line. They have so many fun themes as well as good basics like that rug and striped comforter set. Bedding will have to wait while Matthew is still in the crib but trust me I will get him out of it as fast as I can. Sounds crazy but that boy is just not a fan of his crib.

I like blogging about this stuff because it gives me a place to put it all in one spot.
My husband is no longer interested in hearing about my remodeling plans haha at least Matthew doesn't mind listening ;)

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