trying to take a twinning picture with Lucy and this is the best we got. Apparently geese in the pond were more important. Noted Luc, noted.
Gender: Boy! Confirmed by 3 different ultrasounds ;)
How far along: 34 weeks, few days
Total weight gain: lets just say the scale was a shock at the doctors last week.
Maternity clothes: maternity jeans mixed with loose sweaters, flowy tops. Kind of, sort of hate dresses this time around.
Stretch marks: from previous pregnancies
Sleep: I wake up at least once to go to the bathroom. Still going to sleep way late than I should but sometimes I make up the early wakeup time (thanks girls) with a mini morning nap while they play in their room.
Best of the week: well it's only Tuesday but so far it's the moment when Juliana saw the baby making my stomach wiggle and she just thought it was the funniest thing ever. It was so cute! She covered her mouth giggling like crazy.
Worst of the week: This isn't a big deal but we took a small 20 minute walk in the evening, the weather was beautiful but I came home exhausted afterwards! Like tummy feeling heavy, feet hurting, back aching. I hope it won't get worse but I don't see things getting better.
Big Sisters: They kiss my tummy constantly and I'm so excited to see them with the baby and actually put the two and two together that's that's the "baby brother" I've been telling them about all this time.
Daddy: the best most hardworking man ever whose birthday is coming up :)
Miss anything? all kinds of things but mostly getting to try on clothes when shopping haha so many cute things out for spring and summer!
Movement: lots and it's getting stronger and stronger sometimes it takes me back. But my favorite is laying down to sleep and feeling the baby wiggle (because of course that's when he's active) and for some reason it just lulls to me sleep. It's such a comforting feeling.
Food cravings: nothing really, just still CONSTANTLY hungry. I've been trying to eat better and it's going well. Lots of fruits, veggies, salads, lean meats. But when nighttime comes around I need a huge bowl of ice cream.
Anything making you feel sick or queasy? nothing, thank goodness.
Symptoms: back pain especially when I get up from sitting or sitting for a long time. It really hurts and I feel like an 80 year old.
Belly button: Flat.
Mood: Good just getting more and more anxious/nervous/excited that we have just 6 (!!!) weeks left.
Looking forward to: hubby's birthday party, Mother's day :)